söndag 7 juli 2013

En vacker och varm sommardag i skärgården; A beautiful and warm summer day in the archipelago

Ungdomarna åkte ut i en snabbare båt än min.
The youth went out in a boat much faster than mine.

Till och med Roffe med vackra Mona körde förbi oss.
Even Roffe with beautiful Mona drove past from us.

Men vi hann fram med maten innan vi alla hann bli allför hungriga.
But we caught up with the food before we all went too hungry.

Visst är det vackert i Stockholms skärgård!
Is'nt it beautiful in the Stockholm archipelago!

1 kommentar:

  1. The boat looks immaculate and the scenery stunning. Seems like a great day of sailing.
